
Month: January 2021

There’s something exciting about being the first to know, having an insider’s view, getting that first look. For years, The Picture House has been sharing advance screenings of films with curious movie-goers, followed by an engaging discussion and Q&A with a guest from the film. Directors, actors, producers, screenwriters—from future filmmakers to legendary luminaries—we’ve been fortunate [...]

The focus for February’s Film Study for Adults at TPH is the life and work of August Wilson. Below, Education Director Francile Albright tells us why. During this time of deep political and cultural divide, it feels sometimes that we can no longer talk to each other. There are many important conversations that need to happen, but [...]

Monday, January 18, 2021, is Martin Luther King Jr. Day – the only national holiday that is designated as a day of service. Many of us will be busy volunteering on projects that strengthen our communities, but if you have time at home and want to learn more about the legacy of Dr. King, the [...]

Here are some lessons from 2020: nothing is ever certain, nothing is guaranteed to go to plan, nothing is stronger than community.  The Picture House is a mature and stable nonprofit – but in the nonprofit world saying an organization is ‘stable’ has more to do with longevity and good governance than the ability to [...]