
Author: Francile Albright

The Picture House was so fortunate to welcome Adam Piron and N. Bird Runningwater as guest instructors for our online film study classes last November in honor of National Native American Heritage Month. We took a deep dive into the origins of Indigenous Cinema and the evolution of storytelling through an indigenous lens. Adam, currently serving [...]

Halloween season is the perfect time to introduce the next generation to E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Our family usually leans into the scary side of Halloween, but this year I’m feeling a little nostalgic, so I’m seeking out feel-good films instead. Is there a movie equivalent of a pumpkin spice latte? Why, yes there is: E.T. [...]

It was an amazing summer of creativity at The Picture House Pelham and The Picture House Bronxville! We kicked off the summer camp season with our Documentary Intensive for High School Students at our location in Bronxville. This camp is a unique experience that combines documentary filmmaking, public service, and building professional skills for future [...]

It’s almost time for summer camps at The Picture House! We love seeing our theaters filled with students making movies, and we’re excited for all of the fun themes we have planned for this year. We’ll start things off on August 1st with our Documentary Intensive for High School Students. In this camp, students learn [...]

Invitation by Shel Silverstein If you are a dreamer, come in, If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer… If you’re a pretender, come sit by my fire For we have some flax-golden tales to spin. Come in! Come in! Our Spring Break camp for grades [...]

It’s been an exciting month in Education at The Picture House. We’ve begun our newest online film study for adults, Hayley Atwell Selects, hosted by our first Picture House ambassador: Hayley Atwell. We’ve enjoyed her conversations with special guests Bart Layton and Deborah Frances-White, the fascinating Q&As thanks to insightful questions from participants, and we [...]

Our family loves a good scary movie. In our house around this time of year, we pop some popcorn, get out the blankets, turn out the lights, and prepare to be spooked. Our biggest challenge every year is finding movies that are scary enough for good fun, but not so scary they send anyone to [...]

This summer The Picture House was pleased to host summer camps in our theaters once again. It was a welcome sight to see busy students exercising their creativity and making films together after a year away. Campers in our Movie Making program wrote, acted in, and directed The Prince, the Princess, and the Portals, an [...]

In 2016, The Picture House launched our first Documentary Intensive Camp for high school students in our satellite film lab on Wolfs Lane in downtown Pelham. Every year since then, this week-long camp has provided high school students with the opportunity to not only learn about documentary filmmaking from a professional filmmaker, but to give [...]

Yesterday, Saturday, June 19th, The Picture House joined the Village of Pelham Council on the Arts, the Pelham Art Center, the Pelham Chamber of Commerce, and student artists from Pelham Memorial High School to commemorate Juneteenth in the first year of it being recognized as a federal holiday. The day-long celebration of freedom and black culture [...]